UnityUtilities Namespace Reference


class  Countdown
 A handy countdown class providing a lot of convenience methods. More...
class  CountdownProperty
 A base version for properties based on Countdown. More...
class  CountdownPropertyLoop
 A version of Countdown that can be set in the Editor. Refreshes the total time on each loop to allow for live editing. Loops. More...
class  CountdownPropertyOnce
 A version of Countdown that can be set in the Editor. Just called once, but refreshes the total time on each call to Countdown.Reset(). More...
class  EditorHelper
 Provides static helper methods for editor classes. More...
class  LINQExtensions
 A collection of extension methods for IEnumerable<T>, List<T> and arrays. More...
class  MathHelper
 The MathHelper contains methods to help with mapping and angles and a really nifty method for framerate-independent eased lerping. More...
class  MeshCreator
 Stores the vertex/triangle data of a mesh in easily modifiable form - which can then be used to actually create or update a mesh. More...
class  MeshTriangle
 A triangle, consisting of three MeshVertex. Used in a MeshCreator. Cannot be part of more than one MeshCreator. More...
class  MeshVertex
 A vertex in a MeshTriangle. Can -and should!- be shared by multiple triangles. Used in a MeshCreator. Cannot be part of more than one MeshCreator. More...
class  NoiseOutputValue
 Provides a fluidly changing output value using Mathf.PerlinNoise. More...
class  PersistentSingletonMonoBehaviour
 Any class that extends from this one will persist through scenes (via Object.DontDestroyOnLoad) and can be handily accessed via the static Instance property. More...
class  RandomBag
 A RandomBag ensures that per interval [fillings * itemCount], every different item in it will be given back [fillings] times. Once the bag is empty, it is automatically refilled, either from a fixed array or by calling a delegate. More...
class  RangeFloat
 Provides input for a float value range in the editor and various convencience functions to work with that range. More...
class  RangeInt
 Provides input for a value range in the editor and various convencience functions to work with that range. More...
class  RollingArray
 A container that always stores the last arraySize elements added. New elements are added via Append(), which automatically rolls over once the maximum number of elements is reached, overwriting the oldest element. array[i] always returns the oldest element that still exists + i. That way, this container always stores the last arraySize elements added. More...
class  SingletonMonoBehaviour
 A MonoBehaviour that should only exist once and provides easy access to its instance. However, it isn't automatically created and still needs to be attached to a GameObject in the scene. More...
class  UnityHelper
 Provides a lot of convenience methods for handling Unity data types, either in the form of extension methods or as static helper methods. More...
class  XmlHelper
 The XmlHelper serializes and deserializes to/from XML and allows convenient access to optional element content and attributes when reading general XMLs. More...