This is the complete list of members for UnityUtilities.MathHelper, including all inherited members.
ApplyJoystickDeadzone(float value, float deadzone, bool fullRangeBetweenDeadzoneAndOne=false) | UnityUtilities.MathHelper | static |
EasedLerp(float current, float target, float percentPerSecond, float deltaTime=0f) | UnityUtilities.MathHelper | static |
EasedLerpFactor(float factor, float deltaTime=0f) | UnityUtilities.MathHelper | static |
GetCenterAngleDeg(float angle1, float angle2) | UnityUtilities.MathHelper | static |
MapClamped(float sourceValue, float sourceFrom, float sourceTo, float targetFrom, float targetTo) | UnityUtilities.MathHelper | static |
MapClampedJoystick(float sourceValue, float sourceFrom, float sourceTo, float deadzone=0f, bool fullRangeBetweenDeadzoneAndOne=false) | UnityUtilities.MathHelper | static |
NormalizeAngleDeg180(float angle) | UnityUtilities.MathHelper | static |
NormalizeAngleDeg360(float angle) | UnityUtilities.MathHelper | static |